Friday, November 23, 2012

A Snail Tale

I was walking outside my house doing god knows what, when I noticed a Snail was sitting on top of my gate.

Whenever it gets "Moist" out, it becomes Snail central on my walkway.  I usually crunch like 3 or 4 on the bottom of my slippers when I have to get the mail. (I'm joking ... sort of)
But how the hell did this one get on top of the gate?

I went and grabbed my camera and started taking a few photo's.  This was clearly the highlight of my day.

The Snail actually started to get camera shy and started going into its shell. It must of had no makeup on.  I felt like I was in a Pixar movie playing the big dumb human that comes up and starts messing with the "Snail Hero" that is on a journey to the mailbox or something.

I still can't figure out how the hell he got up on that gate!

Then I noticed another one climbing up the side, these things are going vertical!  So that's how he got up there!  But the gate doesn't go all the way to the ground, so it liked jumped or something.  I better leave this mystery to the scientists.

In closing, I thought this post would be a lot more funnier and interesting than it was. And the moral of the story is that Snails are morons.

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