Monday, January 23, 2012

The Niners lost. Calgon take me away!

The San Francisco 49ers had an awesome season this year and it all came to an end when they lost in the NFC Championship last night to a bunch of morons from the "Big crApple", the NY Giants. The Niners defense beat the shit out of Eli Manning all day and would have won the game if it wasn't for a few key mistake plays that favored the Giants.  Luckily they play again next season and It will be time for some revenge!  We had a group of dudes over to the house for the game and Dubin even brought some weird "Magic Lightbulb" that he said would guarantee a Niners victory, but they still ended up losing in Overtime. It sucks that now my NFL games are over, luckily Pro Wrestling doesn't have an off season.
Below are some pictures from our NFL Game Spaghetti dinner that we have every week.

(above) Dubin and Nighthawk show off their weird meat concoction for the Spaghetti. (yes, Dubin is wearing a sleeveless "Ed Hardy" shirt, with the "Magic Lightbulb" hanging around his neck.)

 I come into the kitchen for a snack, while Nighthawk continues to hold the meat pan for some reason.

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