Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bigfoot update. 5 things you didn't know about Bigfoot.

More great news from the land of Bigfoot!  A group of High School nerds in Idaho recently caught a glimpse of a curious Sasquatch while they were out in the woods.  Their brief, shitty video shows the Sasquatch watching them from the hillside, then turning around and rejecting the nerds just like society!  Check out the video below.


You will also notice that the news clip has an interview with Idaho State University teacher Jeff Meldrum who appears in basically every TV special ever made on Bigfoot.  He's seems to be the only Cryptozoologist on earth who can hold down a day job.  I have no idea how he does it because his office looks like the prop room on "Harry and the Hendersons."

He better be busy grading papers because he never takes the time to return my letters or emails!
This goes for you too Loren Coleman, dig up my letter from 1999!

I clip coupons and hate construction on the 405, just like you!

Here are some more fun facts about Bigfoot.

1. He can drive stick shift.
2. Is usually vegetarian, unless he is eating a human.
3. He Loves VH1 Classic.
4. He voted for John McCain.
5. Prefers bottled water over stream.

These implants were for me! Not for the male Bigfoots!

*In all seriousness, If you happen to see a Sasquatch, do not attack or harm them in any way. Do not tell people, just leave them alone. You will be blessed with a great feeling of knowing that you have seen a modern day miracle.

*note to self, I've got to stop blogging late at night.

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