Sunday, September 23, 2012

49ers 2011-2012 Season Coverage (week 2, part 1)

I'll be posting pictures from every 49ers home game this season. After today's loss to the Vikings, I'm gonna just pretend it didn't happen and think about the fun time I had at the game last week when they beat Detroit.  I got season tickets this year and I was planning on them being undefeated.  Today's loss in Minnesota was a huge disappointment, even worse than that movie "The Master."

Let's begin by saying that San Francisco is ground zero for crazy people.  Its one big looney bin. I think that "Scarecrow" guy from the Batman movies must be the mayor.  Its like Venice without the beach. (don't get me started on Venice, that city could use a nice bulldozing)

One of my favorite spots to go eat up there is "Sears" restaurant on Powell street. I go bonkers for their breakfast as you can see in the photo below.

Don't tell Denny's I'm cheating on them.
Then we like to walk around the town aimlessly, complaining about how many hills there are.

Hill Street blues. 

When I was a kid I used to look at a lot of pictures of San Francisco. I always liked the pointy building which is named the TransAmerica pyramid.  Now that I'm a mature adult, I call it the Transgender pyramid.  Get it! Trans-Gender!  I guess you had to be there.

Note to self: next time make sure jersey doesn't look like a poncho.
 "Call me Al-Caltraz" as Paul Simon would say.
Sorry, that last Alcatraz joke was a stretch. .... I tried, I really did. Let's go to Chinatown!

Checking the price of rotten bananas.

 Read the bottom of the sign below.
No Exceptions!
Chinatown shop owners don't allow you to take any pictures. I'm assuming because PETA cant be too pleased with the endless supply of animals that are each slowly dying
in store windows because some guy wants to make soup with a Turtles Dick.  They have big buckets of skinned live fish that are gasping for air. Its pretty disturbing to see. Almost as painful as that overrated movie "The Master"  (that's 2 jokes about "The Master" for those that are keeping score)

Over at the Fisherman's Wharf, people gather to take pictures of the Sea Lions on the docks. These Sea Lions are like big ocean turds. They just lay around all day. They are like my roommate. Only they probably don't watch 8 hours of "The Simpson's" every day.

We share the ocean with these guys, that's why I don't swim in it!
But, while I was watching the sea lions I thought of a kick ass idea for the script for "Jaws 5."  If they ever make a "Jaws 5" it should start out like this. "A bunch of tourists are watching the sea lions on the docks, taking pictures, etc. All of a sudden you see the big Jaws fin heading towards a sea lion that has jumped into the water. The huge shark eats the sea lion and all of the tourists take pictures and video of it and it winds up on youtube. Thus creating a national fear and they call in Richard Dreyfus to come to San Francisco and fix the problem.  Or something along those lines, you can also add in a sub-story about the Mayor (Scarecrow) not wanting to close the beach because of a big "Gay Pride Beach Parade" or something.

Now let's get to the part we have all been waiting for ....  THE END!  Just kidding,

yeah, yeah, we get it,  you saw Alcatraz.
 Candlestick park is a pain in the ass to get to. It would be more convenient if the Niners played in Japan, Cuz at least I wouldn't have to take a plane, 3 busses and 2 trolleys to get there. But we finally made it down to the stadium.

How much to advertise on a gate?
 I guess just calling it "Gate 4" would have been a waste.

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